special needs powerlifting

We coach a Powerlifting team for adults with special needs that meets weekly on Thursdays. The team--"The Iron Maniacs'', was named by the athletes and founded in 2020. It focuses on strength fundamentals, using the three primary lifts of Powerlifting: bench press, squat, and deadlift.

However, our practice is much more than that. Through routine weight-lifting and team activities, our athletes develop self-discipline, work ethic and a sense of community.

So far our team has competed in 5 Powerlifting competitions and taken home numerous state records. The ability to travel and compete with other athletes has done wonders in boosting our athletes' confidence and sense of accomplishment. 

We recognize that every family has unique circumstances and do our best to assist with travel in every way possible. We are proud to partner with Until Death Barbell Company, who has sponsored several of our athlete registration fees. 

If you are interested in joining The Iron Maniacs or would like more information, please contact us below. We are also accepting donations at this time to help pay for apparel (singlet, weight belts, etc.), and competition-related expenses.

About the Program

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